I haven’t bought fabric in almost 6 months people! Wow. Time to stock up again! Here are a few fabrics that I think would be cute/cool/nice/I-just-like-it-and-need-a-good-exuse-to-buy-it for Finn’s weekly photo project. We still have 23 more weeks to go and I don’t want a single one of those weeks to be on any more shower curtains. Well, I guess it could be a shower curtain so long as it’s not striped, sheer or shiny. Blech. My local fabric stores have some pretty weak selections so I’m turning to the internet for better options. I still have a number of fabrics in mind from when I was planning the nursery last year as seen here and here but I also like these new selections.

I can’t wait to use all of the fabrics for various projects when the 52 weeks are up. So help me, I WILL make a quilt and it WILL be large enough and sturdy enough to actually use.
