I can’t believe it’s been nearly a year since I first set out to pursue interior decorating as a business. Now, 10 months later, I have a few new ideas up my sleeve. What I tried to do last year didn’t really work out how I thought. I wanted to develop a portfolio of my work before I started charging for my services so I decided to offer my services free of charge to a handful of “clients.” While I was able to help a few people, I never ended up getting anything for my personal portfolio. As much as I enjoyed the work and was happy to help people, I found that I couldn’t afford all the time I was putting in without getting anything in return. I did gain a lot of experience however and for that I am glad. 

One of the problems I ran into was that my clients weren’t always as willing to make changes as they thought they’d be. I would present ideas and suggestions to them that they just couldn’t visualize and were therefore reluctant to try them. This is understandable because I did not present them with a compilation of all my ideas in one place. Rather, we would work on one piece at a time, getting hung up on wondering how the piece would fit with everything else. Bad idea, I know. It doesn’t make sense for me to expect people to see my brilliantly fabulous ideas if they’re all stuck in my head. 🙂

This year, my approach will be different in that I will be providing my clients with the ability to purchase a personalized design plan with detailed instructions they can implement on their own. The design plan will include:

Paint Colors
Window Coverings
and more….

Stay tuned as I get a few things ready to post over the next couple of weeks. Until then….
