I’d love to sit down and write about my “birth story” OR tell you about how utterly inept I STILL am at changing diapers and am thus straight up terrified of Dave going back to work OR let you in on the secret that Target’s diapers are in fact far more effective than the “other brands”…. Sadly, I just don’t have all the time in the world like I used to. (ha!) Not to mention that I haven’t been very comprehensible or even capable of stringing two meaningful sentences together. But boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! I have a son! A real live little baby who is my (our) very own! All the time I’d spend doing, well, let’s face it, whatever the heck I want/need, is NOW spent gazing into his little face, telling him how much I love him and marveling at how incredible it is to be his mom. Of course the usual cuddling, nursing, diapering, repeat-sequence-ing is taking up a fair amount of my time as well. “Ovvvbiously”.

I hope to find time soon to write a little bit about the craziness that was Finn’s birth day. I’m sad that 11 days have passed since then and I really haven’t been able to jot down a thought or two about it. Even still, the intensity of that day is something I will cherish FOR-EV-ERRRR.

*Aaaand, end blog post awkwardly here.*
