Well hello there! It’s Wednesday. I know, I know, it isn’t Tuesday but at least it isn’t Thursday. Wednesday feels right, doesn’t it? This week’s lovely vintage fabric is on loan from a friend. Now normally, I wouldn’t want to use a flowery fabric for our manly man Finn but I think this fabric reads more graphic, almost geometric, than floral. Plus, how can you not smile over the color yellow??

This week, we decided that Finn is the happiest, sweetest, smile-y-est, BEST almost-8-month-old baby in the entire world. How did WE get to be parents of this kid??? Also this week, Finn had his first swim lesson, had his first taste of sand at the beach, and is officially creeping all over the house, making a bee line for all the things he shouldn’t. Heaven help us when he actually figures out how much faster he can go when he truly crawls.

p.s. The commas in this blog post are all wrong, I know. Maybe I need an English teacher or two to set me straight.
