This past week or two I feel like Finn has gone from being a baby to a little boy. Seriously, he has been so much more active these past two weeks, especially now that he is sitting up (and getting better at it every. single. day.) Yesterday he decided that it would be fun to jump up and down in his walker, throwing himself backwards until he got stuck in a corner. That is some funny stuff right there. He is also ba-ba-ing and ga-ga-ing like crrrray-z. And biting me. (So that’s what those teeth are for!) This kid has personality to spare, though I hesitate to peg him as particular “type” just yet. I’m still undecided on that. As for Finn’s current stats, he weighed 18 pounds, 2 ounces at his 6 1/2 month checkup and measured something like 26 1/4 inches long. (Couldn’t exactly make out what the Dr. scribbled.) That seems to be on the short-ish side in my opinion but then, so are his parents. He went from being in the 90th-ish percentile to a boring ole’ average percentile, but no worries there. It will be interesting to observe his growth once he starts noshing on real food.

Here is Finn’s photo for this week. I DID take it on Tuesday but failed to get it posted in a timely fashion. My bad. For those that (or should it be who?) stalk my blog all day until I post the weekly photo (*ahem* Finn’s grandparents) my apologies. hehe. And in case you’re wondering what that sheer and crumpled mess of a fabric is, it’s another shower curtain. Awwww yiieah.
