Finn is really starting to plump out! It might seem like he is actually smaller in this photo but that’s because I am having to crop slightly wider to accommodate his growth. Milestones for the 2nd week of Finn’s 3rd month were laughing for the first time and rolling over onto his back for the first time. His laughter is such a delight that I can’t get enough of it and I do all sorts of ridiculous things to get one out of him.

I started him on gas drops last week (ColicCalm) and that has drastically improved his temperament. But once those are out of his system, he can’t nurse without arching his back and screaming in pain. (Not at EVERY feeding but at least a few.) Poor guy. I suppose I will be using the drops indefinitely until his tummy matures. He presents no other symptoms that make me think he has colic, reflux or a food sensitivity, he’s just a gassy little dude. It can sometimes take an hour to complete a meager feeding when he has one of these gas episodes so I am sometimes anxious that he isn’t getting enough to eat. I need to stop that; being anxious!!

Finn is taking more regular naps now, halelujah! They aren’t always long, restorative naps but he consistently takes a couple every day. What I can’t figure out now is why he is sleeping, on average, 2 hours less (or is it fewer?) during his long stretch than he was a month/month and a half ago. 5 or 6 hours at a time is still good but when you’re used to 7 or 8, meh. His last feeding of the night often tends to be disrupted by gas which makes me think that he isn’t getting as full of a belly as he could be. I am going to try starting his last feeding later to see if that makes a difference but will still keep his bedtime around 7pm.
