I’ve been thinking about how I might like to record our son’s growth in photos over his first year and I’ve boiled it down to two ideas that I’m going to go with (that I’ve totally ripped from other bloggers).

This first idea comes from Young House Love. We’ll take a monthly photo of our boy in a white onesie and lay him down on different colored/patterned backdrops for each month. Since I’m completely obsessed with patterned fabric, this is perfect. I also like YHL’s idea to simply Photoshop the month number on the onesie rather than buying already decorated onesies. Duh! And so easy to do! I LOVE this idea.

This second idea comes from Nicole at Making it Lovely. The “gimmick” for this set of photos is that we’ll be putting our boy either on the couch or in the nursery rocker next to his stuffed owl pillow (that I have yet to make) where we will be able to track his growth based on the size of the objects he is around. I like Nicole’s idea of 24 monthly photos. She uses a cute badge pin with the numbers of each month but I think I’ll print out the month numbers on small white card stock in a fabulous typeface like Archer that we’ll prop up next to him. I’d also like to find a solid colored or subtly striped onesie that I can buy in the multiple sizes needed until he is 2 years old.

Thank you to the wonderful bloggers who’s ideas I am “borrowing”!!! Mom, Dad, friends, family: “See, I do NOT come up with this stuff all by myself.”
