We just got this new duvet from Anthropologie over the weekend. I’ve had my eye on it for ages and It was way on sale so I jumped on it. I absolutely love it. The duvet pictured is slightly different from the one we purchased at Anthropologie. Ours has green/yellow/peach birds instead of the blue/orange/gold birds as shown. I’m not convinced that the blue shade on our bedroom walls is working with the new duvet though. The color would have worked perfectly with the other chinoiserie duvet (with the blue/orange birds) but at the time of purchase, I did not realize there were two different color-ways. Oh well. The pattern rocks and I am making it work no matter what even if that means painting the walls. *think* Yes, I will be painting the walls, I just decided. I will be on the lookout for the perfect shade of greige….stay tuned.

Speaking of Anthropologie, I am hoping to infuse a bit of its’ eclectic vintage feel into our bedroom’s decor. For starters, I’m going to replace the ceiling fan with a crystal chandelier. YES, I said crystal chandelier. It’s going to be awesome! It’s from my parents’ dining room in the 1920’s co-op they just bought. I am also going to make a tufted upholstered headboard. ( I’ve had the foam core for months but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.) Next I will get a large 8 x 10 rug which will cover a good bit of the wood floors and soften the entire look of the room. I’d like something very textural like woven heathered-jute.
(By the way, none of these projects will be attended to until the summer time if I have money by then.)