The office is looking less and less embarrassing. I have done almost all I can do right now on my teeny tiny budget. I’m hoping to sell a few things on Craigslist to get a little extra cash but for now I’m content with things looking presentably unfinished. Currently, I am going through two big boxes full of picture frames that need to be painted and hung on the wall. I found all kinds of frames I haven’t seen in months, years even, so I’m happy I don’t need to go out and buy anything new. I may hit up a few thrift stores to look for a couple of jumbo frames, but other than that, I’m all set.
Big purchases to come later this year include two upholstered slipper chairs, a wool shag rug, and a large floor lamp for reading.

I’m tempted to get these Eames plywood lounge chairs instead of the slipper chairs because they’ll be versatile for other rooms of the house in the future. Plus they’re still ultra comfortable and are very low slung and compact for a lounge chair. (Perfect for making the ceiling look taller!) The truth is, I’m afraid once I get these chairs, they’re going to go in my living room because they’re just too amazing….

I have also been dying to get this Eames rocker. I was originally bound and determined that I would buy this chair when I got pregnant however I’m thinking it might not be the most comfortable chair for nursing. But you know what, who cares! I’d rather look at and enjoy this chair for years to come than suffer through some uncomfortable nursing sessions for what….like a year?! Ok, it’s settled. This will be my official nursery chair. Yessss!! Hey, it’s still a comfy chair (despite it’s polypropylene or fiberglass construction) just maybe not for nursing.

By the way, I love chairs. I’m collecting chairs. And I love lamps. Just not lamp shades apparently. More on that later…..